Creating RSS Feeds (Part 2 of 3)
In the previous part, I showed the main loop to grab the "interesting bits" from the HTML of my Sporting News' BLOG. Let me dig into this a little more.
In the previous part, I showed the main loop to grab the "interesting bits" from the HTML of my Sporting News' BLOG. Let me dig into this a little more.
Yes, I'm familiar with tar. But guess what? Over the past few days while putting together this site, I encountered tar's j switch for the very first time (e.g. tar jxf site.tar.bz2). This enables bzip compression and decompression on my tar archives. Amazing! I still remember being amazed a few years back when someone showed me that you can compress or decompress (via gzip) on the fly in tar by passing in the z switch. Nifty!
I am working on a jigsaw puzzle. There are 1000 pieces in this puzzle, and it's titled "Sleigh Ride". It's been largely abandoned by my wife and daughter, because we're now down to the hard parts.
I've been wanting to write a technology BLOG for quite some time. This is it. And it's about time. Welcome to Rick's Tech Talk, a BLOG about computer and programming technology, working in technology, and anything else technical that comes into my head. Thanks for checking it out.